Publisert: 14.12.12

Kongsberg Gruppen - Summer Project

Summer Project The summer project welcomes students from different branches of science work closely together to create an autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The project has a define d goal, but it is left to the team members and team leader to draw up project plans and to decide how the task is to be resolved. As a member of the team you will therefore develop both your technical skills and your ability to cooperate and make plans in order to finalize a product by a given deadline. KONGSBERG’s summer project is targeted at students who have completed at least two years of their studies and who have an academic background in the field of electronics, software, cybernetics, systems engineering, mechanics, image processing, physics, mathematics, industrial design or project management. The summer project is called LocalHawk and involves the further development of an UAV system with airframe, sensors, radio link, navigation system, autopilot, embedded platform, image processing, user interface and communication protocols. See our website for more information. The students who are engaged in our summer project will work at our office in Kongsberg or Kjeller. KONGSBERG has an agreement with local companies in Kongsberg to supply cheap housing during the project period. To be evaluated as a candidate for LocalHawk the applicant must fill in both technical skills and an average grade. A transcript of academic records (karakterutskrift) must be submitted as part of the application. All applications must be submitted through the online recruiting tool. KONGSBERG has two types of summer internships: the summer project and summer job in a technical department. If you want to apply for both you have to send in two separate applications. Applications are evaluated continuously starting in December. Fore more information, please visi or email us at [email protected]

Om Kongsberg Gruppen

Kongsberg Gruppens viktigste kompetanseområder er programvareutvikling, signalbehandling, reguleringsteknikk (kybernetikk) og systemintegrering. Basert på disse kompetansene lager vi systemer og produkter til alt fra solcellepaneler på romsonder i verdensrommet til multistråleekkolodd som kartlegger sjøbunnen ned til 11.000 meters dyp. Produktene er preget av høyt teknologiinnhold og skal fungere i meget krevende omgivelser.

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