Publisert: 17.08.17

Summer internship - analyse

Har du lyst til å prøve deg som analytiker i en av verdens ledende leverandører av industrielle data til olje- og gassindustrien?

Siden starten i 2004 har Rystad Energy vokst kraftig og leverer i dag data, analyser, transaksjons- og strategi-rådgiving til oljeselskaper, leverandører, banker, investorer og myndigheter over hele verden.

Vi søker ambisiøse og motiverte kandidater med sterke akademiske resultater og analytisk legning. Summer interns i analyseavdelingen blir involvert i arbeidet med å forbedre eksisterende produkter, eller med å utvikle nye. Dette innebærer å samle og analysere informasjon og omsette dette til relevante data som kan industrialiseres. Arbeidet gir god læring om oljeindustrien, praktiske analytiske ferdigheter, og innsikt i hva som skal til for å lage profesjonelle dataprodukter.

Varighet på internship er normalt ca. 8 uker i perioden juni-august, men kan avtales individuelt.

Registrer søknad på vår søknadsportal innen 15. oktober. Legg ved søknadsbrev inkl. CV, karakterutskrifter fra høyere og videregående utdanning og evt. attester samlet i en pdf-fil.

Ved spørsmål, kontakt VP HR Violeta Zoric på [email protected].

Om Rystad Energy - Your Energy Knowledge House

Rystad Energy is continuously looking for talented employees to strengthen our consulting and data analysis solutions. We are an independent leading energy research and business intelligence company. Headquartered in Oslo Norway, with offices in more than 20 countries, our staff has the unique opportunity to get broad exposure to international markets as we work closely and collaborate across regions.

We offer the opportunity to join an innovative, creative and ambitious company that is rapidly growing. You will engage in challenging tasks together with an enthusiastic, vibrant and multicultural team. At Rystad Energy you will be offered excellent opportunities for professional development in all areas of work and in different locations. Our goal is to provide a working environment where all our employees can thrive and achieve their ambitions.

We are an independent energy research and business intelligence company providing data, tools, analytics and consultancy services to clients exposed to the energy industry across the globe. Our high-end capabilities within energy fundamentals, oil and gas markets, supply chains, renewables and energy transition strengthen the insight and expertise of our clients, thereby assuring quality decisions.

Since 2004, we have worked tirelessly to develop best-in-class data, analytics and support, and in the process have earned the confidence and trust of our ever-growing list of clients. Having become a sought-after voice in the energy market, we are widely recognized for our up-to-date, consistent and comprehensive data and insights.

We engage with energy companies, suppliers, financial professionals, NGOs and governments, as well as anyone focusing on global or regional oil, gas, power and renewable energy markets. Our highly qualified and experienced analysts and consultants can provide fact-based guidance within business development and portfolio strategy, market and trend analysis, benchmarking and competitor assessments. Whatever the assignment, the client is at the heart of everything we do – we are, after all, your energy knowledge house.

We strive to provide transparency through the most complete, accurate and actionable insights across the entire energy value chain, thus helping to drive better decisions in the sector. This is done through the comprehensive analysis of historical, present and future activities in the energy sector.

The fundamental element to our business and finer forecasting is our bottom-up approach to data. Rystad Energy’s comprehensive and consistent micro-to-macro datasets are truly unique, and we assure that the data actually adds up across different sectors, regions and databases. Our flexible and adaptive technology solutions are tailored to meet the client’s needs, and we are at all times committed to offering top quality service for our customers – providing intelligence, engagement and support throughout the entire product and service delivery cycle.

Aker Brygge, Oslo
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