Ledig Stilling som stipendiat INNEn Informasjonssikkerhet VED INSITUTT FOR INDUSTRIELL ØKONOMI OG TEKNOLOGILEDELSE
Om stillingen
Ved Institutt for industriell økonomi og teknologiledelse i Trondheim har vi ledig en midlertidig stilling som stipendiat innen informasjonssikkerhet for en periode på tre år.
Vennligst se vedlegg for mer informasjon.
Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management
IØT has challenging and inspiring educational programmes and research projects in the cross-disciplinary field of technology management. Through its programmes of study, IØT educates candidates with a solid technological basis in methodology and theory on how to develop and manage technologically based organisations.
Participation in, and development of, research projects in close co-operation with Norwegian industry, the department is also developing models, tools and methods for how to manage Norwegian industry.