xIQ is creating a software tool to enable investors to make climate decisions that takes the total impact of a company's products and service into account. To take our product into commercial phase we are looking for part time students to complement our small but growing team.
We offer
•Be part of a product aiming to accelerate corporate efforts to stop and reverse climate change
•Join a startup from the early days creating a delightful product experience
•Make a product that focuses on actual impact of products and services in the world
•Competitive compensation
•Work in a forward leaning and passionate team
•Customer centric development environment in Appfarm low-code platform
•Support from competent and am
•Flexible environment with opp
We would love if you are:
•Experience with front end development and JavaScript
•Care about creating a great user experience
•Passionate about reducing and reversing climate change
•Good business understanding and interest in solving problems for private equity and venture capital funds
About us:
xIQ wants to accelerate the societal climate transition needed to avoid the disastrous consequences of global warming. We believe that entities need to consider the net total impact of their products and services to make sustainability decisions that actually create the most collective impact. We have made a tool and have developed a method based on relevant frameworks (such as the greenhouse gas protocol) in close collaboration with key stakeholders in this space. Our solution gives the whole picture and combats the problem of greenwashing.
The company has emerged out of the problem faced by the private equity fund Energy Ventures when they wanted to understand the total net climate impact of their portfolio companies' products and services. BKK, electricity portfolio company and Arkwright, management consultancy then joined as owners to commercialize the idea.
Om rollen
Fleksibel rolle med forventning rundt 20t i uken og oppskalering ved mulighet for deg. Rollen vil kreve selvstendighet og en get the job done-mentalitet. Lengden kan avtales, men i utgangspunktet ~6 måneder med mulighet for forlengelse. Lokasjon fleksibelt - kan for eksempel være en mix av remote og i våre lokaler i oslo.
Ansvar vil kunne inkludere blant annet:
Søknader vil behandles fortløpende. Oppstart ved avtalt så snart det lar seg gjøre.
Hvis interessert del/send karakterer og CV til [email protected]. Skriv også i mailen at du samtykker til at dine personopplysninger vil bli behandlet og at disse vil bli slettet ved forespørsel og senest etter 2 år.
To succeed with the Energy Transition, it is not enough to electrify, we also need to invest in the right technologies to make sure we actually cut emissions. The best candidate for getting this right is through analysing the potential avoided emissions of companies' products and services. MoreScope is among few tools that enable these types of analyses, working with among others the leading climate investor Nysnø.
MoreScope is a result of the merger of xIQ, which spun out of Energy Ventures Private Equity, and MoreScope, an algorithm created at Sintef to automatically transform accounting data into CO2-equivalents.
MoreScope is a leading provider of the emerging need for quanatifying externalities and the difference between a climate friendly solution and the status quo, but also offers the full suite of tools needed for reporting on greenhouse gases. Our passion is to not only help companies report, but in in making tools to enable companies to improve on their emissions.
MoreScope is backed by EV Private Equity, Eviny Ventures, Arkwright and Sintef Ventures ++.
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