Publisert: 09.12.21

Optimization models for future Power Market design – PhD position connected to the PowerDig Project

About the position

This PhD project is part of the recently started research project: Digitalization of short-term resource allocation in power markets (PowerDig) that has as aim to propose market designs that are dynamic in temporal and spatial resolution to handle a higher share of renewables and address shortcomings in existing power markets related to both the allocation and pricing of flexibility, scarcity resources, and services related to the security of supply. The Project is led by NTNU, with research partners SINTEF and NHH as well as active industry partners: Statnett and Statkraft. It is a knowledge building project funded by the research council of Norway, its central objective is to understand how digitalization in market design and operation can enable flexibility provision and contribute to support large-scale integration of variable renewable generation.

This PhD position will study how digitalization and digital platforms enable new market designs at the different levels of the power system (neighbourhood, DSO, TSO, cross-border) and the interplay between these levels. The PhD project will develop methodologies to analyze power markets that take into consideration the creation of new flexibility products, the role of the TSO and spatial/time characteristics of balancing markets. Optimization models will be central in representing techno-economic features of the power market as well as to understand its effect to grid operations. Existing models at the department will provide an initial starting points and data to model and connect different layers of the power system.


Duties of the position

  • Conduct original scientific research relevant to the research topic above
  • Publish and disseminate research results obtained in a suitable and timely manner
  • The candidate must engage in the PowerDig project activities as required
  • Complete mandatory coursework during the initial part of the employment period
  • Meet with and plan research tasks in collaboration with relevant research and industrial partners from the PowerDig project


Qualification requirements

  • A relevant master’s degree in industrial engineering, energy economics or operations research area, preferably with knowledge in energy system modelling. A master’s degree in electric power engineering or related fields could also be relevant if the candidate has additional competence in power markets. The PhD position's main objective is to qualify for work in research positions. The qualification requirement is completion of a master’s degree or second degree (equivalent to 120 credits) with a grade of B or better in terms of NTNU’s grading scale. Applicants with no letter grades from previous studies must have an equally good academic foundation. Applicants who are unable to meet these criteria may be considered only if they can document that they are particularly suitable candidates for education leading to a PhD-degree.
  • Basic understanding of the functioning of power systems.
  • The position requires excellent English oral and writing skills.
  • Good knowledge optimization models, operations research methods, and mathematical programming. Knowledge in Stochastic Programming is an advantage.

In addition, the following qualifications will contribute positively to the evaluation of the applicant:

  • Knowledge of Norwegian or other Scandinavian language
  • Documented knowledge of power markets or economic modelling.
  • Proficiency in at least one programming language, e.g. C++, Matlab Java, Python or Julia.

Please see more about the position here:


Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management

IØT has challenging and inspiring educational programmes and research projects in the cross-disciplinary field of technology management. Through its programmes of study, IØT educates candidates with a solid technological basis in methodology and theory on how to develop and manage technologically based organisations.


Participation in, and development of, research projects in close co-operation with Norwegian industry, the department is also developing models, tools and methods for how to manage Norwegian industry.

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