Publisert: 09.02.22

Project Manager/CEO for Trondheim Slush’D 2022

Keen on leading the largest startup-event in Trondheim history? Trondheim Slush’D is a new event concept made in partnership with one of Europe’s premier startup conferences, Slush. 

It’s a founder focused event, meaning that the core “customer” of the event are founders of technology-based startup companies. The event is centered around a core challenge in the local ecosystem, and as such is developed together with numerous stakeholders in the ecosystem. These stakeholders include entrepreneurs, venture capital funds, angel investors, community organizers, corporates and accelerator programmes/ incubators. 

You will be a key driving force behind the Slush’D movement in Trondheim, and as such have large freedom in how you want to shape the event concept. Your own ambition is the only limitation. 

As the leader of the event, your role is primarily to communicate with and align all the interests of these internal and external stakeholders towards addressing the core challenge (“event theme”) of the ecosystem. Last year’s event was focused on the theme “From Startup to Scaleup”

Aside from having the overall project management responsibility and key stakeholder management, other tasks that you might be responsible for include (but are not limited to):

  • Recruiting a kick-ass team

  • Setting the direction for the programme

  • Finding and convincing the most exciting speakers possible

  • Overall planning, Budgeting and Financial Management

  • Recruiting a kick-ass team!!

If you believe that entrepreneurship is the most efficient way to change the world, and if you truly want to help those crazy dreamers that build our tomorrow, there’s no better way than this role. There’s no steeper learning curve, but it’s also an opportunity to create meaningful, lasting impact. 

The project starts asap, continuing until completion of the event around october. During the project you will have access to continuous sparring with members of the Trondheim ecosystem - like 6AM, DIGS, WorkWork, Factory and more. The role will be compensated, thus creating an awesome event can be your main focus!

So if this sounds exciting, apply by sending a short cover letter and CV to [email protected] by 23:59 ASAP! You won’t regret it. 

Om yobr

Yobr (tidligere StudMatch) er en start-up som kobler dyktige studenter med bedrifter som kan tilby spennende, lærerike og godt betalte studentprosjekt og deltidsjobber.

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Jakob Erikstad

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