As a Summer Intern with Pareto Securities, you will gain unique insight and experience from one of the leading investment banks in the Nordic region. You will be assigned to a sector- or product-specific team, where you will work closely with our experienced colleagues and be involved in all aspects of the job. This will allow you to learn a great deal by working on projects, being involved in live deals, and participating in meetings and events. An internship with us is a strong application for potential full-time employment within Investment Banking, Research or Sales.
Our internship typically lasts 8-12 weeks, from June to September. We will also consider applicants seeking internships during winter or off-cycle periods.
We are looking for students who have completed 3 or 4 years of higher education. You have strong academic achievements, analytical skills, strong social and commercial abilities, an interest in financial markets, and high ethical standards. Good written and oral communication skills in Norwegian and English are essential.
The application should include a CV, cover letter and transcripts from higher education and upper secondary school. The application deadline is the 1st of September.
Whether you prefer to apply to a particular department or opt for a general application, we're here to assist you in determining the department that suits you best.
Applicants will be invited to interviews continuously, and the position might be filled before the end of the application deadline.
Pareto Securities er en investeringsbank i Pareto Gruppen. Vi er Norges ledende aktør innen aksje- og obligasjonsmegling og finansiell rådgivning.
Hovedkontoret vårt ligger i Oslo, men vi har også kontorer i Stavanger, Stockholm, Malmö, Helsinki, København, London, Frankfurt, Zürich, New York, Houston, Singapore og Perth. Pareto Securities jobber mot et bredt spekter av industrier, men med hovedfokus på sterke norske bransjer som olje & offshore, sjømat og shipping. I nordisk sammenheng er Pareto Securities AS en ledende aktør innen prosjektfinansiering av eiendom.
Pareto Securities er en dynamisk organisasjon med store muligheter for personlig og faglig utvikling. Et av våre hovedmål er å raskt utvikle våre ansatte gjennom mye ansvar og givende arbeidsoppgaver. Våre medarbeidere er kunnskapsrike, dedikerte og engasjerte, og vårt arbeid verdsettes av et stort internasjonalt industri- og investormiljø.
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