Pareto Securities is an independent full-service investment bank with a strong, diversified research team. With a research team of 50 professionals renowned for its value-added fundamental research, we provide clients with investment ideas. We are experiencing a high level of activity and demand for our research product and, therefore, are looking to strengthen the Equity Research department in Oslo further.
Key Responsibilities
Working as an Analyst with our team, you'll be responsible for conducting fundamental analyses on companies and industries, compiling detailed sector reports, providing quarterly updates, and creating daily morning reports. In this role, you will serve as an essential link between our Equity Sales team and Nordic and international investors.
We are looking for a driven individual with excellent communication and interpersonal skills. The position requires great work capacity, analytical skills, and a genuine interest in financial markets. Furthermore, one would also need a Bachelor's/Master’s degree in economics, finance, or other business-related fields with strong academic results. Proficiency in Norwegian and English is a prerequisite.
Upcoming graduates and candidates with up to three years of experience are encouraged to apply.
What we offer
The application deadline is the 15th of October. Applicants may be invited to interviews continuously, and the position might be filled before the end of the application deadline.
Pareto Securities er en investeringsbank i Pareto Gruppen. Vi er Norges ledende aktør innen aksje- og obligasjonsmegling og finansiell rådgivning.
Hovedkontoret vårt ligger i Oslo, men vi har også kontorer i Stavanger, Stockholm, Malmö, Helsinki, København, London, Frankfurt, Zürich, New York, Houston, Singapore og Perth. Pareto Securities jobber mot et bredt spekter av industrier, men med hovedfokus på sterke norske bransjer som olje & offshore, sjømat og shipping. I nordisk sammenheng er Pareto Securities AS en ledende aktør innen prosjektfinansiering av eiendom.
Pareto Securities er en dynamisk organisasjon med store muligheter for personlig og faglig utvikling. Et av våre hovedmål er å raskt utvikle våre ansatte gjennom mye ansvar og givende arbeidsoppgaver. Våre medarbeidere er kunnskapsrike, dedikerte og engasjerte, og vårt arbeid verdsettes av et stort internasjonalt industri- og investormiljø.
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