Publisert: 29.04.24

Female Networking Event with Prokura

Female Networking Event with Prokura

Vi har gleden av å invitere noen utvalgte studenter til et eksklusivt event sammen med oss for å bli bedre kjent med Prokura.

Ettermiddagen starter på Winther Frognerparken hvor vi vil bli bedre kjent og delta på et fantastisk matkurs hvor vi vil lære å lage napolitansk pizza. Etterpå tar vi turen til vårt kontor i Oslo hvor en egen bartender vil lage nydelige drinker. Her vil du få mulighet til å bli bedre kjent med potensielle fremtidige kollegaer, samt bli bedre kjent med andre studenter som brenner for det samme som deg.

Hvorfor delta:

  • Pizzakurs og mat hos Winther
  • Utforsk karrieremulighetene dine hos Prokura
  • Bli kjent med våre ansatte
  • Møt andre engasjerte studenter som brenner for det samme som deg
  • Avslutt dagen med mingling i våre moderne kontorlokaler med egen bartender
  • Alle deltakere vil få tildelt en personlig mentor i Prokura.

Praktisk informasjon:

Dato: Torsdag 8. august, 2024

Klokkeslett: 16:30 og utover dagen

Sted: Winther Frognerparken. Middelthuns gate 17, 0368 Oslo.

Søknadsfrist: Send inn din CV innen 14.mai for å få mulighet til å delta på dette arrangementet.

Merk: Det er begrenset antall plasser.

Vi ser frem til å motta din søknad!

Om Prokura AS

Prokura is a young consultancy company, specializing in purchasing and supply chain. We employ some of the best consultants and experts in these areas.  Our consultants are specialists. We understand precisely how to optimize purchasing and supply chain operations and overcome any related problems. 

Strong advice combined with innovative tools can create value for your company now – and for many years to come. Our rapid success is based on creating concrete and measurable results for our clients.

Our focus is our strength.

Kearney has acquired Nordic-based consulting firm and procurement and supply chain specialists Prokura. The acquisition will bring Prokura into a position to accelerate growth and enable Kearney to consolidate its position as the market-leading procurement and supply chain consultants.

“We see an attractive opportunity to establish a strong European procurement and supply chain execution partnership helping clients across the region thrive in a volatile and complex market,” said Geir Olsen, head of Europe at Kearney. 

Prokura was founded in 2008 and has since evolved into a renowned strategy and implementation partner, currently employing about 60 procurement and supply chain specialists. In combination with Kearney’s network of more than 650 procurement and supply chain experts, efficient Centers of Excellence in the same field, and a suite of analytical tools, Prokura will have a solid foundation for European expansion. 

Geir emphasizes that the cultures and capabilities of the two firms are complementary.

“It has been paramount to both Kearney and Prokura that this is the right match and that they can develop their brand and business model and work in tandem with us. With our backing and support, Prokura will have the perfect platform for growth and effective European expansion,” he said. 

Christian Bang-Pedersen, partner at Prokura, sees an obvious match between Kearney and Prokura. 

“In the Nordic region, we are a sought-after strategic adviser and implementation partner within our field of expertise, and with the backing and support of Kearney’s global network and strong capabilities, the way will be paved for further growth and expansion in Europe. This is a strong ambition and a journey we are looking forward to embarking on,” said Christian. 

Together, Kearney and Prokura can offer clients leading strategic advice and hands-on implementation of advanced procurement and supply chain solutions from start to finish.

“We are excited about the new opportunities that we will set out to achieve together. Most importantly, it will benefit our clients, while also creating an even more attractive environment for existing and future employees,” said Christian. 

Prokura will continue as a separate brand and business entity under the global consulting firm Kearney.

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